Dynamic Tracked Vehicle Kit


All-in-One Kit for RC conversion of a tracked vehicle model, featuring:

  • 2 Angle Gear Boxes for driving and steering

Wire length for Switch, Micro-USB, Angle Gear Boxes and 4LED Strip to choose

SKU: N/A Categories: , Tag:


With MTM Dynamic App, this Kit allows you to drive your tracked vehicle model (e.g. tank) forward/reverse, left/right, to turn on simultaneously 2 white lights and/or 2 red lights and to allocate a sound to each action.

In the Box:

  • 1x Module (1x Motherboard + Dynamic Daughterboard, 1x Switch*, 1x Micro-USB*)
  • 2x Angle Gear Box (with 1 Reinforcement Tube for each)
  • 1x 4LED Strip* (White/White – Red/Red)
  • 1x Speaker
  • 1x Battery
* Wire length 100mm or 200mm (same for all) at your choice

Be careful, too long wires can be very troublesome for the installation of the Kit in the model. We advise you to foresee the layout of Elements in your model to have a better idea of the wire length needed.

Available Options (max number):
Camera (1), Additional Servos (2), Additional Motor (1), Additional LED Strip (1)

For example, you can add a Large Motor to turn the turret, a Servo to raise the gun.

Additional information

Weight 0,0795 kg

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